The Future of Virtual Assets in Dubai

Back in 2021, at “Connect 2021” conference, the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had announced a new era in social media history, via his new project, named, MetaVerse (“Meta” or “MetaVerse”)

The Seat of Arbitration & Its Significance

The seat of arbitration, not to be confused with the geographical location of arbitration hearings, is an important aspect in both international and domestic arbitrations, and one that is often overlooked or not given proper consideration.

The Concept of Dispute in the UAE Courts

Generally, filing a case is deemed to be the right to resort to litigation and/or courts to seek and to protect a legal position claimed by the claimant(s) against the defendant(s), conditiona

Work patterns under the Federal Labour Law

The Covid-19 pandemic and its global implications and fluctuations (the “Covid-19 Implications”) have negatively affected the global economy; however, the said pandemic highlighted several positive

Benefit of Justice Principle in Arbitration

The Benefit of Justice Principle is deemed a well-established fundamental principle that is
frequently applied by courts in different legal systems either common law or civil law courts